Editor: George McKenzie
An Audio Ezine
Vol. 2 Number 1 - January 10, 2002
Copyright 2001 by George McKenzie
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1. Quick Media Marketing Tip
2. Advanced Media Marketing Article
(Beginners should read this too)
3. SOUND ADVICE-Jonathan Mizel Interview Opportunity
4. All Star Articles-Links To Some Of The Best Marketing Articles
On The Net
5. 30 Second Marketing Resource Review
6. Radio Shows: Janet Roberts and (coming soon) Frank Garon
7. Quotes & Humor
==================SPONSOR MESSAGE===============================
Former newspaper editor Joan Stewart has authored a series of
37 "Special Reports" that are a "must have" for anyone seeking
free publicity from the media.
These reports are single-spaced, at least five pages
long, and go into incredible depth on each topic. Learn more
by going to
You can also sign up for Joan's information-packed newsletter
by going to her website at
1. Quick Media Marketing Tip
What's the best day to try to get free publicity through TV
news programs?
The answer might surprise you.
It's Sunday.
According to Frank Guerra, veteran TV reporter, anchor, and news
executive, more people watch Sunday night newscasts than any
other night of the week.
The AC Nielsen Company - which measures these things - agrees.
Recent research reveals that more people watch TV on Sunday than
any other day...followed in order by Thursday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Saturday and Friday.
Guerra maintains Sunday is also the easiest day to snag coverage,
since very little "hard news" happens that day, and TV news
programs still have time to fill.
Our four-hour audio seminar "Get Free Publicity" offers tips
for maximizing your exposure on TV and in other media like
radio and newspapers. To learn more about this series of
recorded interviews with news decision-makers, click on
===========Personal Recommendation from George McKenzie==========
One of the best ways to build your credibility with the media is
to be published. But you don't have to take a year to write a
book and then another couple of months waiting for it to come
back from the printer.
There's a better idea. An ebook.
Haven't got a clue about how to write an ebook or (just as
important) how to market it?
Then get to know David Eck.
David's newest publication, "Ebook Sales Guide." was just
released this morning (1/10/02)...
David will be a guest on our radio show in the near future.
He's an e-marketer who has developed a step-by-step system that
will help you produce and sell your own ebook.
David has authored a number of resources for e-marketers and
Check out his latest, the "Ebook Sales Guide" at
2. Advanced Media Marketing Article
How to Get Booked on Oprah
By Susan Harrow
Media Coach & Marketing Expert
Most people believe that getting on Oprah will make them
a millionaire, their book a bestseller or their business
boom. For your career to take-off like the last space
shuttle, you must prepare to make the most of your
appearance. Here are some hot tips to help you get
invited as a guest on the show, rivet your audience on
the air, and ultimately sell yourself along with your
product(s) or book(s). As a media coach and marketing
expert, I have helped many people get booked on Oprah, so
I know there is a strategy that, if followed, will help
speakers increase their chances of getting on the show.
Pitch and prepare.
Before you actually get booked on Oprah, you need to know
how to pitch an idea to the show's producers and how to
prepare yourself for the big day.
1. Tape and watch Oprah. At least a dozen hopefuls
call me every year for media coaching or to help them
create a marketing plan. The first words out of their
mouths are: "I want to be on Oprah." When I ask them if
they watch the show 90 percent say, "No." Part of
preparing for success is becoming familiar with the
content, format, rhythm and pace of the Oprah show.
Your first step is to record two to four weeks of Oprah.
Then, sit down in a comfy spot and watch them all at
once. This will give you a sense of what's hot on Oprah
for the next few months. (It does change and go in
cycles). Notice which producers (listed on the credits at
the end) are responsible for each particular type of
segment. Send a producer information only after you are
sure of who you'd like to approach and why.
2. Pitch a hot topic. Never pitch your yourself, your
speech, your product or your book. Instead pitch
something that's newsworthy now: a pressing national
issue, a controversial subject, a problem for which you
have the solution, a common myth debunked. Propose a
topic that is relevant to Winfrey's audience
(controversy, relationships, personal triumph, makeovers)
then prove you are the expert on that topic by telling
only the information that is relevant to the idea you're
For acting coach Cynthia Brian, speaker and author of "Be
the Star You Are!" (Celestial Arts), we created a pitch
about how she helps teenagers work out their problems by
role-playing with them on camera. We proposed a makeover
show with before and after footage for parents with
difficult teens. Although the show idea isn't directly
related to her book this is an area of Brian's
expertise--and Winfrey has been doing a lot of shows
around parent/teenage relationships. Think about the
areas in your personal or professional life where you're
an expert and connect that to a provocative theme.
3. Put together a winning press package. Send your
book (if you have one) along with a pitch or angle page
with two or three different ideas, and a paragraph bio
highlighting your expertise as it pertains to your
pitches. Be as brief as possible. You must be able to
sell your idea in one page. Remember Oprah producers get
hundreds of packages every day. If possible include a
two-to-four-minute video of you on other talk shows or
doing a presentation to a group. If your demo video
includes talk show clips, cue it up to those segments. If
not, cue your video up to a short segment that shows you
speaking succinctly so the producers can see that you're
a viable guest.
4. Explore the show's Web site. Winfrey's Web site,
http://www.oprah.com, has as much information as you will
ever need to get on the show. There, you can review her
entire wish list of subjects. She even makes it easy for
you with a link called, "Be on the show." With the touch
of a key you can send an e-mail that will reach her
producers instantly.
Make your topic relevant in a short paragraph to receive
a quick response. Let the producers know that you'd be
glad to hop a red-eye at a moment's notice to be a part
of their show, and you increase your chances of being
5. Create 6 dynamic sound bites. Mark Twain defines a
sound bite as "a minimum of sound to a maximum of sense."
Sound bites or talking points, are the essential messages
you want to convey. Talk out loud the most important
ideas, concepts, and points of your topic as they relate
to the idea you are pitching.
Ask yourself, "What do I want my audience to remember?"
Carla Fox, the niece of Sol Wurtzel who ran Fox Film
(20th Century Fox) with founder William Fox described the
success of the studio this way: "For Fox Film it was an
excellent director, a good story and a box office star."
In her book, The Myth of the Perfect Mother (Contemporary
Books), Jane Swigart says, "Being a mother is like asking
half the population to do brain surgery without sending
them to medical school."
These memory nuggets consist of anecdotes, facts,
statistics, stories, or something unlikely, unusual,
controversial, shocking, funny, humorous, romantic,
poignant, emotionally moving, or dramatic.
7. Get booked on local shows first. Even before you
consider approaching Oprah with your idea, get practice
on your local news and talk shows. This will give you a
chance to fine-tune your sound bites so you won't be
shocked by the speed of national television. Many people
don't realize that the Oprah Show isn't a platform for
their subject. When you're on the show as a guest you'll
typically have a total of one to seven minutes to
communicate your entire message--in 10 to 20-second
increments. Once you have a good feel for the rhythm of
television, you'll feel more relaxed and ready.
Sell yourself-without selling your soul. Amazing marketing and
publicity products (dozens of insider secrets, tips & techniques!)
to help you instantly grow your business--from top media coach &
marketing expert Susan Harrow.
Other Suggested Resources on this topic:
Tom Antion's Teleseminar with Former L.A. Radio Talk Show Host
Joel Roberts: "Kick The Ears Off Your Audience: How To Be
Great On Radio." Available through Tom's "Speaker Shop" at
Joan Stewart's Special Reports
#6-How To Write "How-To" Articles That Position You As An Expert,
#25-How To Pitch Reporters Over The Phone And Make Every Second
#27-How To Get Booked On Radio Talk Shows And Give A Great
Jeffrey B. Mayer's ebook "Opening Doors With A Brilliant Elevator
=========================SPONSOR MESSAGE=========================
"Going Public: 10 Ways To Use The Mass Media For Free
Advertising, Internet Marketing, And Website Promotion" has
generated some enthusiastic reviews in the two weeks it's been
Well-known internet marketer Tom Antion had this to say about
about "Going Public."
"You have exploded the myth that getting mountains of free
advertising and publicity can only be done by media gurus and
public relations wizards. Best of all, you've given everyone
access directly to media decision makers--the people who actually
control what goes on the air and into print--and who gets
thousands of dollars worth of FREE media coverage.
For more information about "Going Public: 10 Ways To Use The Mass
Media For Free Advertising, Internet Marketing, And Website
Promotion" go to
4. SOUND ADVICE--From Our Audio Library
As I wrote in "Going Public," I believe the internet is the
greatest "free publicity" machine in history.
If you are looking for a way to get the word out about yourtself
and increase traffic to your business - whatever that business
may be - there's no cheaper place to do it than the net.
Just recently, master interviewer Ken McCarthy managed
to track down Jonathan Mizel, publisher of the Online
Marketing Letter, for a no-holds barred interview on
his most powerful new breakthrough strategies.
Jonathan is the marketing genius responsible for
generating millions of dollars in online sales for
companies like Microsoft, Intel, American Express,
and MyPoints.com.
This one hour conversation was professionally recorded
and is titled Anatomy of An Internet Marketing Roll Out.
It reveals Jonathan's propriety 10-step formula for taking
virtually any online marketing promotion, and turning it
into a blockbuster with absolutely no risk.
In this "dot-bomb" economy, you need every edge you can get
in promoting your business. Jonathan has not only survived
all the cyber-crashes - he's prospered through it all.
For complete details, please take a moment to visit:
5. ALL STAR ARTICLES-Links To Some Of The Best
Marketing Articles On The Net
Here are some of the top marketing articles that have appeared
recently in other ezines.
To obtain a plain text copy of one of the following articles,
send a blank email to the address listed.
Analyze Your Audience For Greater PR Results
By Ana Ventura
Spice Up our Copy With Words That Sell
by Rob Sathoff and Kevin Nunley
Writing A Killer News Release
by Terry Dean
These and many other articles are posted on our website at
===================SPONSOR MESSAGE===============================
Ezine Marketing Machine. by Rick Beneteau If you don't have
much money to spend promoting your business or if you're sick and
tired of wasting time and money on gimmicks that don't work (like
bulk email, free-for-all link sites, classified ads and so
forth), then this site will be a tremendous resource.
. 30 Second Resource Review
If you want to make money online, you can find hundreds of
ebooks that claim they'll teach you how to do it.
Some of those ebooks cost $40-50 dollars...which, in many
cases, averages out to more than a dollar per page.
Corey Rudl "Insider Secrets" course goes the other direction.
Nothing skimpy here. And if anything's overlooked, I have yet
to find it.
Rudl knows how to make money online, and he's not secretive
about sharing.
The "Insider Secrets" course includes two huge binders (totaling
about 600 pages), video tapes, and cd's offering dozens of
vitally important online resources.
It's a specific step-by-step guide offering relevant and
practical information. Rudl can back up his pitch with
dozens--make that hundreds--of testimonials.
The net is full of scams, hype, and millionaire "wannabes."
You'll find plenty of people trying to tell you how to make
money online, even though they're still hanging on to their day
Not so with Corey Rudl. He's the real thing. And so is his
"Insider Secrets" course.
Resource Rating: Excellent
Internet Marketing Center Home Page:
==================SPONSOR MESSAGE===============================
A shopping cart and automation system so simple even I figured
out how to do it. Autoresponders, client database, coupon and
ad tracking, this system has everything. If you're serious
about doing business on the net, DEFINITELY check this program
7. Radio Show Topics
Ezines for fun and profit: Ezine-Tips.com editor Janet Roberts
joined us for a wide-ranging discussion of electronic
newsletters - starting one, signing up subscribers, where to get
free content. Aired January 5. Listen to the entire segment at
Coming up this Saturday...January 12...
Slaven Radich of Pocomail describes his email program that
automatically raises your virus protection levels and gives you
more effective ways to filter out junk mail.
Attorney Skip McCormick details some of the most dangerous scams
lurking around the internet.
***Next Saturday, January 19 Business Center Segment***
Frank Garon of Internetcashplanet.com relates how he went from
bankruptcy to a six-figure income with home-based businesses
and internet marketing.
Our program is called Roadrunner Radio. It's named for the
program's major sponsor, Roadrunner Highspeed Online, which is a
Time Warner-owned ISP in South Texas.
The show is webcast and can be heard this Saturday afternoon,
2:00 PM Central (USA) at http://www.klup.com.
You can also check us out at
Past shows are archived there too.
8. Quotes and Attempts at Humor
In situations where you're about to "Meet The Press," you
naturally want to put your best foot forward...not into your
mouth. Here are some great examples of folks (most of whom
should have known better) that failed in that department.
*I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our
papers. We are the president.
-- Hillary Clinton, US First Lady, commenting on the release
of subpoenaed documents in the book by James B. Stewart -
Blood Sport
*When more and more people are thrown out of work,
unemployment results.
-- Former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge
*We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot
more information in our heads.
-- Vlade Divac, NBA basketball player
*If somebody has a bad heart, they can plug this jack in at
night as they go to bed and it will monitor their heart
throughout the night. And the next morning, when they wake
up dead, there'll be a record.
-- Mark S. Fowler, FCC Chairman
*And now, will y'all stand and be recognized?
-- Gib Lewis, Texas Speaker of the House, to a group of
people in wheelchairs on Disability Day
=========================Affiliate Program =====================
Add another stream of income to your website by offering Academy
resources to your customers, clients or readers. Join our
affiliate program. Generous revenue sharing.
We have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles that you see in this ezine. Back issues
can be viewed at
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San Antonio, TX 78256
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Press Release Toolkit
Sense With Chrome Trim
