November 14, 2002
Published by The
George McKenzie, Editor
See the bottom of this newsletter for
Subscribe/Unsubscribe Information
COOPETITION --Try it, you'll like it.
I write a lot of articles and distribute them to other ezine
publishers, and I occasionally get back a huffy reply from a
few of them.
"Sorry,' they say. "I DO NOT publish articles by writers who
don't subscribe to my ezine."
Well, okay, it's a free country, and there are a gazillion
ezines out there. I can't subscribe to all of them.
But I'd like to ask these publishers this: who's really the
loser if you have good information your readers might like
to know and you keep it from them because the you got it
from someone who wasn't a subscriber?
The loser is your reader.
I think it's a lot smarter to use the approach Jan
Tallent-Dandridge of RIM Digest, http://www.rimdigest.com
used when I submitted an article to her recently.
She wrote me a personal note saying, in effect, she
preferred to use articles written by subscribers, but she
liked the one I sent her and would publish it anyway.
"Oh, by the way," she added. "Why don't you check out my
most recent edition? You might decide to sign up."
Guess what? I signed up.
She gained a subscriber--and an admirer. I like the way she
does business, and I'm not surprised RIM Digest now boasts
more than 30,000 subscribers.
Which brings me to the subject of "Coopetition."
Coopetition is a word coined by my friend and neighbor Joel
Christopher, "Mister Master Listbuilder."
Joel's own list is approaching 100,000, and he says he did
it -- not by COMPETING with other marketers -- but by
COOPERATING with them.
Coopetition, in other words.
In fact, Joel is doing a joint venture next week with his
biggest "competitor," Frank Garon of
http://www.internetcashplanet.com They're planning a three
night, six-hour teleseminar Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
(sorry, it's already sold out).
Anyway, people ask me sometimes why I offer an "Experts"
section on the www.get-free-publicity.com website. They
point out that people like Joan Stewart and Susan Harrow are
doing much the same thing I'm doing -- offering information
on how to use the media to get publicity -- and maybe
visitors to my site will buy their products instead of
Well, first of all, I know a lot -- but I don't know
everything there is to know about PR and publicity. It's
ridiculous to think someone else's products would never be
more appropriate for a customer than mine.
If my stuff's not what they're looking for, I'll happily
recommend other people.
My main concern is doing what's right for the my visitors.
If they don't buy from me today, but I help them out by
recommending Joan or Susan, I'm confident they'll come back
and buy from me another time.
With that said, I want to introduce another "big hitter" in
the PR/Marketing ball game (sorry, I used to be a
sportscaster--sports analogies are hardwired in my brain).
Her name is Marcia Yudkin.
How good is she?
Punch the words "marketing consultant" into Google, and her
name comes up first.
She says it's a happy accident, but if you browse her web
site by clicking on
http://www.get-free-publicity.com/yudkin.html I think you'll
understand why her #1 ranking is not a fluke.
She's got great stuff, and lots of it. Also a first rate
Definitely, check it out.
And remember:
It's really a good thing because the customer gets what they
want and need.
And when that happens, everybody wins in the long run.
Sponsor Message
Joan Stewart has authored a series of 43 "Special Reports"
that are a "must have" for anyone seeking free publicity
from the media. These reports are single-spaced, at least
five pages long, and go into incredible depth on each
topic. $7.00 each. Learn more by going to
Sponsor Message: Video Email
You have to see it to believe it. Video email has arrived.
Check out the speed and video quality by going to
Quick Tips For This Week
A few weeks ago I told you that there's no better time to
develop relationships with people in the media--especially
the electronic media.
Here's some more proof for you.
Tom Rosenstiel of Columbia University's Project for
Excellence in Journalism recently said that local news
directors "over the last several years have been
asked to do more for less."
"They're hamsters on the wheel, he continued, "and they are
pushing so hard to maintain profitability amid thinner
resources that it's hard for them to look up and get out of
their rut."
In other words, it's getting tougher and tougher for them to
meet the needs of their audiences by giving providing
relevant and interesting stories.
That's spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y for free publicity
Here are some resources you can draw on to do it.
Susan Harrow's publication "How To Get Booked On Oprah." It
may be a little premature to shoot for the Oprah Show
itself, but there's plenty of info in Susan's book that you
can use for getting the attention of local TV and radio show
producers. To get a free report (via autoresponder) that
will give you an idea of the quality of info Susan offers,
send a blank email to
Susan's site: http://www.get-free-publicity.com/prstore.html
When you start approaching reporters, producers, etc, you
don't want to make any bonehead mistakes that will hurt your
Marcia Yudkin offers the following "Pet Peeves" to avoid so
you can get your relationship with media decision-makers off
to a good start.
* Attempts to bribe the writer or finagle guaranteed
coverage for their client. Don't!
* Threats to retaliate against a reporter by going over
their head to their editor or publisher. Don't!
* Omissions of crucial information, destroying their
trustworthiness forever. Don't!
* Wildly irrelevant pitches, like "Because you write about
personal finance, here's something about a bed-and-breakfast
in Maine." Don't!
* Sending huge attachments, unrequested, that hang up the
writer's email for hours. Don't!
* Ignoring clearly stated deadlines. Don't!
* Pitching an expert source who turns out to be unavailable
for interviews. Don't!
* Scorning a publication as not important enough for
cooperation, forgetting that journalists often change jobs.
* Sobbing to the writer that because the client didn't make
it into the final story, they're going to lose their job.
For more good ideas, check out Marcia's site by clicking on
Sponsor Message
Joel Christopher tripled his list of newsletter subscribers
from 10,292 to 30,903 in 99 days. He now has more than
90,000. Joel reveals how he did it -- and how you can too --
in "How To Be A Master ListBuilder,"
It's That Time of the Year
Three or four times a year, I like to survey my subscribers
to find out what information they most want to learn.
It's that time again.
I hope you'll help make this ezine as relevant and timely as
possible by choosing one topic from the list below and
"voting" for it.
Those who do will be rewarded. When you vote, you'll get an
email that tells you how get a collect a prize -- a choice
of several information products (each worth at least $25.00)
Just click on the email link. A blank email will appear.
All you have to do is click "send" to register your vote --
and find out how to collect your prize.
Here are the choices:
1-Free publicity and promotion (online or offline)
specifically through the mass media (TV, newspaper, print).
2-Free advertising/promotion of a business (online or
offline) using offline resources, strategies, and
techniques. Marketing with flyers, postcards, offline
networking like Trade Associations & Chambers of Commerce
3-Free advertising/promotion of a business (online or
offline) using internet resources, strategies and
techniques. Ad swaps, ezine advertising, joint ventures,
writing articles, search engine positioning and website
traffic generation tools and techniques.
4-Promoting a LOCAL business using online resources. Your
target market is in a specific geographical area, and you
want to use the internet to market to prospects in that
5-Generic marketing principles and ideas. You want to learn
as much as you can about marketing in general, regardless of
product or industry, online or offline.
6-Online Marketing for Beginners. Tips, tools and
techniques for those with little or no experience online who
want to promote a business on the net.
7- Promoting a business (online or offline) with email
marketing. How to build an opt-in email list of subscribers
and/or customers.
8-Ad Copy Writing Skills & Tools Whether you're marketing
online or offline, your copy has to sparkle to sell.
9-Media Presentation Skills. Not sure what to wear, how to
act or what to say when reporters are around? This category
would include information that would help you make the most
of media opportunities.
10-Affiliate Marketing: Some internet marketers don't even
have a product of their own. They promote other people's
stuff for a commission, and make a very good living (how
about $100,000 plus) doing it.
11-Resource Reviews and Recommendations: There's so much
hype out there about marketing (especially internet
marketing), that you'd like someone to tell you honestly
what works and what doesn't -- and why.
12-None of the above. None of the categories listed
describe what you'd like to find in this ezine. Please take
a moment to let me know what you think.
Sponsor Message-How recommending this ezine
could make you a little money...
Do you like what you read in this newsletter?
Do you think it's worth recommending to a friend, a
colleague, or a relative?
I hope you do. And now I can offer you some financial
encouragement to do so.
If you sign up as an affiliate for the List Partners
program, I'll pay you $0.20 for everyone who subscribes to
this newsletter upon your recommendation.
To learn more, go to
Success Story
from "Wanda"
Hi George:
I was sitting at my desk praying for a way to prove my worth
on my new job. I had been out of work seven months when
Allied Label located in Flowery Branch, Georgia decided to
take a chance on me provided I could show some sort of
measurable results right away. They are a small label
company that produces custom labels, decals, or tags
to go on products. They offer top quality labels at
competitive prices; however due to the lack of name
recognition, they often produce labels for label brokers.
Our labels are for some huge corporations who don't even
know we exist.
I was hired for Marketing to help change that. After
reading your free tips, I wrote to the editor of Label &
Narrow Web, a Nationally distributed magazine for the
printing industry. I kept the request simple using your
tips. Only two short paragraphs. I was stunned when he
called me and ask if he could visit the very next week. We
will be featured in a 2 or 3 page article of the
November/December issue. It didn't cost the company a
THANK YOU! Allied Label & Printing Systems is happy and my
job is secure. What a blessing! The company my husband
works for announced their plant was closing and I needed a
way to make my new job more secure.
Anyone needing quality labels should visit our web site at
Sponsor Message: Press Release Toolkit Makes It Easy
Only 5-10 percent of press releases get more than a glance
from journalists before going in the trash. These are the
main reasons they get tossed:
1) They’re cumbersome to read -- poor formatting, small
print, etc.
2) They’re blatant attempts to promote a person or a
3) The subject isn't newsworthy.
4) They’re not suited to the medium they’re sent to.
5) They’re too long -- journalists are too pressed-for-time
to read them
So I've created a paint-by-the-numbers system for anyone who
wants to eliminate mistakes like these. It's called The
Instant Press Release Toolkit. Go to
Other Success Stories Needed
Tell us your success story and get a free one-hour audio
seminar (downloaded from our web site). Plus you could get
additional free publicity if we publish your story in this
Email your stories directly to me at
In doing so you grant permission for your story to be used
in an upcoming edition of this ezine or in a free ebook to
be offered to readers upon compilation.
You'll receive an email offering you a choice of audio
seminars within 24 hours after you send in your story.
Sponsor Message
The Newsletter that gives YOU, FR^EE Downloads,
FR^EE Information, FR^EE advice, Plus Internet
News and Comments from around the World.
subscribe at: mailto:brucesimpson@dodo.com.au
Affiliate Program
Add another stream of income to your web site by offering
Academy resources to your customers, clients or readers.
Join our affiliate program. Generous revenue sharing.
We have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles that you see in this ezine. Back issues
can be viewed at
November 14, 2002
Editor: George McKenzie
Copyright 2002 by George McKenzie
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Please visit our other websites:
Instant Public Relations Toolkit
Press Release Toolkit
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