
An Audio Ezine

Vol. 1 Number 8 - December 13, 2001
Editor: George McKenzie
Copyright 2001 by George McKenzie


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1. "Going Public" ebook getting quality reviews.

2. Quick Media Marketing Tip From Joan Stewart

3. Advanced Media Marketing Article
(Beginners should read this too)

4. SOUND ADVICE-Last place isn't always a bad thing...

5. All Star Articles-Links To Some Of The Best Marketing Articles
On The Net

6. Resource Review: Marlon Sanders Weekly Marketing Tips

7. Radio Show topics for this week...

8. Quotes & Humor; You know you're a computer geek when...

==================SPONSOR MESSAGE===============================

If you have a web site or you've been thinking about putting
one up, here's an action kit that can save you a ton of
time, money and energy.

It contains tutorials and instructions for all the things
you need to know. You will find it by going to:

1. "Going Public" Gets Great Reviews

"Going Public: 10 Ways To Use The Mass Media For Free
Advertising, Internet Marketing, And Website Promotion" has
generated some enthusiastic reviews in the two weeks it's been

I wrote "Going Public" to help business owners, professionals,
and internet marketers get thousands of dollars worth of free
advertising--the type of advertising that carries an implied
third-party endorsement from the media that's more believable,
powerful, productive, and profitable than anything money can

Well-known internet marketer Tom Antion had this to say about
about "Going Public."

"You have exploded the myth that getting mountains of free
advertising and publicity can only be done by media gurus and
public relations wizards. Best of all, you've given everyone
access directly to media decision makers--the people who actually
control what goes on the air and into print--and who gets
thousands of dollars worth of FREE media coverage.

Anyone who follows the steps and strategies you spell out in
"Going Public" can't help but benefit from a flood of media
attention that will generate a lot more customers--and more

For more information about "Going Public: 10 Ways To Use The Mass
Media For Free Advertising, Internet Marketing, And Website
Promotion" go to


=====================QUICK FOLLOW UP============================

After listening to Bart Baggett's interview on our radio show...
some subscribers asked for links to Bart's sites

Get a free handwriting analysis

Bart's latest book "Success Secrets Of The Rich And Happy" at

and his "Abundance" course, including the "Double Your Income"
Series at

2. Quick Media Marketing Tip
From Joan Stewart, "The Publicity Hound"
Be sure to subscribe to Joan's Ezine

One of the most egregious sins people commit when they call
reporters to pitch a story idea is using dumb phrases like

"I was hoping your magazine could help us get some great
publicity for our event."

"Our students worked hard on the school play. Nothing would
thrill them more than to see a story about it in the paper."

"You've already written about three of my competitors but
you haven't written about me yet."

"I'm just starting my business and I thought a story on the
10 o'clock news would let people know where to find me."

After working 22 years in the news business, I've heard all
those phrases, and many more like them. They are the surest
way to turn off a reporter and make sure you are NEVER
covered. Pitching a story idea to the media is a skill that
must be learned, practiced and refined. The best story
pitches are succinct, informative and convey that you know
what the media do and how you can help them. Repeat after
me: "...how you can help them."

Here are 5 tips.

--If you're calling reporters on the phone, be prepared to
pitch your idea in 30 seconds or less.

--Make sure you know how reporters want to be pitched: by
snail-mail letter, phone, fax or e-mail.

--If media people say no to your pitch, never ever try to
change their minds.

--If pitching by e-mail, make sure the subject line is

--Always explain why you think readers or viewers will care
about your story. In other words, what's in it for them?

Want a lot more valuable how-to information--and want it now?
Joan Stewart's Special Reports on how to generate free publicity
are packed with dozens of valuable tips compiled from her
newsletters, workshops and consulting business.

3. Advanced Media Marketing Article

Many marketers spent time, effort and money advertising on
the internet (I'm not saying that's a bad thing). But don't
forget some simple, old-fashioned, low-tech-but-high-impact
offline techniques like those Michael Hart describes in the
following article.

This article is longer than our usual offering, but I think
you'll agree it's worth the additional time to read it when you
realize that by using this simple but often overlooked strategy,
Michael netted $12,000 worth of sales.


by Michael Hart

We have all heard the phrase "moving to the next level". As in;
I am ready to take my career to the next level".

Well now it is time, but not just to the next level, but rather
the last level, at least in terms of marketing.

What I mean by this is to incorporate into your daily marketing
the same top of mind strategies used by countless big
corporations, and many smaller ones, mine included!

The largest practical advertising agency in the history of
mankind is the media.

The media shapes our views, our opinions, and in many cases our
desires. As much as 70% of the information you read or hear about
in the media is a result of Public Relations firms.

These companies are hired to get their clients exposure. Why?

Because one article in a local, regional, or national
publication is worth 20 times what the same size advertisement
would cost.

That is what PR firms do, get exposure for their clients. By
getting an article written and published about a firm, there is a
perceived endorsement of the product or service, by the
publisher. The public feels your product or service is newsworthy
and therefore the best.

Moreover the general public tends to believe and therefore agree
with anything they see in print. (Read the "Quips and Quotes
section today for a great example of this phenomenon at work
"Papa said if you see it in the Sun it's so!")

In other words there is simply NO better advertising in the world
than to have a story written about you or to have a story written
by you. I know of countless stockbrokers, professional speakers,
authors, sales professionals, marketing specialists, consultants,
insurance agents, human resource experts, entrepreneurs, and many
more, who have built multi million dollar incomes through the use
of the media, all for FREE! Many firms use this
strategy as their sole means for gaining exposure, PRICELESS
EXPOSURE. And you can do it too!

Now before I tell you how to capitalize on this amazing
prospecting tool.

Let me first tell you this. I am a forty-year-old high-school
drop out! That's right I have NO high school, let alone college

Am I proud of it? NO. I also don't care. While many people will
try to impress me with their diplomas and doctorates, I simply
flash my tax return. A year after I dropped out I planted myself
in a library and did not come out for 7 years.

So I guess you can say I am self-taught (and if my tax returns
are any indication I suppose I have a PhD, IN PROFIT!)

I am sharing this only because whining that you can't write is
not going to be accepted today! If I can, you can, PERIOD! So
let's move on. (If you are that hung up on it, pick up a copy of
the AP Style Book)

One last thing I want to share before we start. Three months ago
I was asked to write an article for one of the Business Journal
publications. I did. It took 3 hours to write.

To date I can trace over $12,000 in speaking fees to
this one piece. 3 HOURS, $12,000, and counting. Are you ready?
Good! Here we go!

First, you do not have to get published in Forbes, Wall Street
Journal etc. Start small because the article exposure is only a
part of the equation. Go to your local library and check out, (or
buy) a copy of "Hudson's Subscription Newsletter Directory". Go
to the section that lists the newsletters for your industry.

Some examples are: (There are many, many more in each category)

* Mutual Fund Trends
* Money Works for Women
* Money World (and 57 others in financial services)
* Environmental Projects
* Contractor Advisory
* Marketing News
* Media Matters
* New Account Selling
* Americas Trade Journal
* United States Law Week
* Real Estate Digest
* Travel Alert Bulletin

(If you are unable to locate a periodical read by your target
prospect, then your emphasis will be on ancillary publications
such as your local Business Journal, Chamber Magazines, regional
newspapers etc. Each of these needs to be on your "wish" list
anyway. But remember there is a magazine for almost everything in
the world. It just may take some digging. Also it may be wise
to get to know your local resource librarian a little better)

This is the short list. This one book (there are 37 other
newsletter, publication, and magazine directories out there)
contains 157 separate newsletter categories. Go to the
publications that interest you (the ones your prospects are
reading) Call and ask for a sample copy


Do not get talked into a trial subscription, all you want is one
copy. When it arrives, study it. Learn the kind of articles they
print. Once you have a feel for the publication call the editor
(Larger publications, such as Forbes you would call the managing
editor or individual reporter). Tell him/her who you are, that
you have some great ideas and ask if they accept unsolicited
articles. Many will say yes, some will say no. (Sales is a
numbers game ehh!)

Ask for a copy of their guidelines or "mechanicals". This is a
description of how they want the article published. Word count,
spacing, font, etc.

Choose a topic you are familiar with, (or study one) and write
the article.

Submit it, wait a week follow up with the editor to verify
receipt and to answer any questions. Ask his/her opinion and
inquiry about the article making it to print. If it is not
acceptable inquire further to what would make it so. In other
words sell your idea and "close" this guy.

Repeat this process as many times, with as many publications as
you can. Make certain to send your contact information and short
bio (the inclusion of this information in the publication is your
compensation. At this level of writing anyway)

Once you get the article published it is time to go to work. Just
because the article is out there does not mean your phone is
going to ring off the hook, although it might. If you want to see
you personal net worth explode then . . .


Call back to the publication and ask to "rent" their "phone
appended" (If they do not have a phone appended list, it may be
good to buy it anyway. But keep the cost below .10 per name)
subscriber list.

These are the very people who receive this publication and read
it. Only now they have just read about you. (Hey you financial
services people I just told you where to find the most exclusive,
untapped, high net investors-in publication subscription

Now it is time to start calling the readers of the publication
YOU were JUST FEATURED IN! (Yea HAAA! We're Corvette shopping

Present to them the same way you normally would only now ask if
they read your "latest" article in XYZ magazine. No matter what
they say, paraphrase the article.

If they read it ask if they have any questions. And go for the
close. If you are unable to close them or if they ask for more
information, send them a reprint of the article. (You can ask the
publisher for reprint rights and do them at a Kinko's, or simply
order them from the publisher directly. They tend to look more
professional if the publisher does them rather than you
doing the cut and paste thing).

Several dynamics occur with this method of prospecting. First you
are only calling on people you already know have an interest
(they subscribe to the publication and you also know their hot
button(s) i.e. mutual fund subscriber etc.)

Second you are in print and therefore seen as an authority.

Third, the article is perceived as an endorsement from the
publisher. Next, you "the rank and file" sales person, is viewed
much differently by your firm. (The initiative to accomplish this
task, coupled with the exposure are career-advancing techniques
no one else in your office would think to do).

But the single most important dynamic is the emotion the prospect
experiences when called by "the expert" Getting past the
gatekeeper is simplified, you are viewed in a totally different
light, and cold calling graduates to warm calling. But it gets
even better.

When you rent the calling list you can filter the demographics to
fit specific criteria. For example; in the case of my speaking
and consulting business I can have an article published in a
sales magazine then order the subscription list for;

Sales managers with over 100 employees, who give seminars, and
regularly hire outside trainers, in Alabama, Georgia, and

The last time I did this, the list fitting this demographic
profile had 4500 names on it, Darn! That's more names then I will
call in 10 years.

This strategy has been used to create massive awareness,
unlimited prospects, and huge incomes for both me and my clients
and it will work for you too! And you will do it with an ease and
enjoyment most professionals simply do not understand.

If done right it works 100% of the time.

Do not read this article and think humm, interesting,


It will take a little time to become comfortable. Editors can be
fickle. What they buy today, is trash tomorrow. But if it helps,
remember the majority of articles in print are written by outside
resources. In other words editors need you at least as much as
you need them.

A last note: As you get published in these smaller publications
you can use this exposure to springboard to larger periodicals.
Imagine getting an article published in Fortune or the Wall
Street Journal.

Your prospecting would be done for life!


Have any questions about this article? Email us at
mailto:prospeaker@MichaelpHart.com and we will answer them
within 24 hours.

===================SPONSOR MESSAGE==============================

Ezine Marketing Machine. by Rick Beneteau If you don't have
much money to spend promoting your business or if you're sick and
tired of wasting time and money on gimmicks that don't work (like
bulk email, free-for-all link sites, classified ads and so
forth), then this site will be a tremendous resource.

4. SOUND ADVICE--From Our Audio Library

Want some free publicity in a TV newscast?

Start at the end.

Former TV news reporter/exec Frank Guerra explains "The Kicker"
and why it's a good place to shoot for exposure on TV.


Visit the entire Academy audio library at

5. ALL STAR ARTICLES-Links To Some Of The Best
Marketing Articles On The Net

Here are some of the top marketing articles that have appeared
recently in other ezines.

To obtain a plain text copy of one of the following articles,
send a blank email to the address listed.

Applying Psychology To Internet Marketing
by Terry Dean

Seven Steps To Guaranteeing Your E-mail Promotions
Generate The Clicks, Hits, and Sales You Need!'
by Corey Rudl

Cheap And Easy Marketing
by Kevin Nunley

. Recommended Resource

"No B.S. marketing tips that pack a punch."

That's how Marlon Sanders describes his series of weekl;y
marketing tips.

If you do business any marketing on the net, you probably know
who Marlon is.

I hate to use the word "guru," but if there's anyone who truly is
an internet marketing guru it's probably Marlon.

Everything he produces is quality, high content, information
packed, and useful.

But of Marlon's many resources, I'm probaly most fond of his
weekly marketing tips.

These gems arrive in your email inbox on a weekly basis. They're
smart, succinct, and powerful.

Every week since I've been a subscriber, I've gotten a tip that
I've found to be truly useful.

I've set up a web page where you can sign up. Just go to

. Other Resources

These are some of the resources that have been most helpful to
us in building on online presence:

"Click" by Tom Antion. EBook. A "gotta-have-it" guide for
internet marketers.

Internet Marketing Course-Cory Rudl

"The Amazing Formula"

Postmaster General-the listserver we use:

But THE ONE RESOURCE that has made the biggest impact on our

A shopping cart and automation system so simple even I figured
out how to do it. Autoresponders, client database, coupon and
ad tracking, this system has everything. If you're serious
about doing business on the net, DEFINITELY check this program


========================SPONSOR MESSAGE=========================


Bob Bly, author of "Complete Idiots Guide to Direct Marketing"
calls it:

"The hands-down best way to get traffic to your site ever
created. Period."

What is it?

Click here to find out:


7. Radio Show Topics

Are you a techno geek? Or are you more "techno-meek?"

Either way, you'll learn how to make better use of the internet
by tuning into our new radio show every Saturday afternoon.

This week's topics include virus protection and internet

Our program is called Roadrunner Radio. It's named for the
program's major sponsor, Roadrunner Highspeed Online, which is a
Time Warner-owned ISP in South Texas.

I co-host the program with Darrin Schroeder, a former software
executive. He's the techno-geek. I'm the "techno-meek."

The show is webcast and can be heard this Saturday afternoon,
2:00 PM Central (USA) at http://www.klup.com.

You can also check us out at
Past shows are archived there too.

8. Quotes and Attempts at Humor

Ten signs you've become addicted to the internet:

1. You sign off and your screen says you were on for 3 days and
45 minutes.

2. You buy a laptop and a cell phone so you can have AOL in your

3. Tech support calls YOU for help.

4. You get a second phone line just to call out for pizza.

5. You sneak away to your computer when everyone goes to sleep.

6. You talk on the phone with the same person you are sending an
instant message to.

7. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your

8. Whenever you are asked your address, you give them your URL.

9. The only Family you send Christmas and Birthday Cards to are
the ones who have an email address.

10. When you decline a real date with a live person cause your
cyber boyfriend (whom you've never met) is waiting online for

=========================Affiliate Program =====================

Add another stream of income to your website by offering Academy
resources to your customers, clients or readers. Join our
affiliate program. Generous revenue sharing.


We have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles that you see in this ezine. Back issues
can be viewed at

====================SPONSOR MESSAGE=============================

Jonathan Mizel shows you how to take any product and roll it out
from a few hundred, to a few million visitors every single month.
Discover how to get unlimited traffic! You'll learn the exact
steps to take and the order to take them to maximize
profitability and minimize risk.


To subscribe to Get Free Publicity Ezine
put SUBSCRIBE in the BODY of an Email to:

To unsubscribe, put UNSUBSCRIBE in the BODY of the email.

For Back Issues visit:

16505 La Cantera Parkway #1814
San Antonio, TX 78256

Trade permanent links with us
To join our associate program and make money from your
website visit:


Please visit our other websites:

Instant Public Relations Toolkit

Instant Press Release Toolkit

Common Sense With Chrome Trim