November 7, 2002
Published by The
George McKenzie, Editor
See the bottom of this newsletter for
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(San Antonio, Texas, November 7, 2002)
A quick word or two from the editor...
Sometimes, you just get lucky. There's no accounting for
You've probably heard of Marlon Sanders. If he's not THE
top internet marketing expert on the planet, he's no lower
than #1A.
And he just moved into my neighborhood.
Well at least, by Texas standards, it's my neighborhood.
It's a couple of miles. That's not a very "fur piece in
these parts," as some of the locals would say.
Anyway, I've had a chance to spend some time getting to know
Marlon a little better recently, thanks to another neighbor,
Joel "Mister Master Listbuilder" Christopher.
It's been a incredible stroke of good fortune having these
two guys around, because they've let me sit in on some of
their marketing brainstorming sessions.
It reminded me of a time some years ago, back in my
sportscasting days, when I was covering a Major League All-
Star game in Pittsburgh. I just happened to wind up sitting
between Gene Mauch and Sparky Anderson at a luncheon--two of
the greatest baseball minds in the history of the game. For
a baseball fan (and player of modest accomplishments) like
me, it was a marvelous experience.
Anyway, I had lunch a few days ago with Joel, Marlon and
Frank Garon, who was scheduled to speak at a nearby seminar
in Houston a couple days later.
Talking to Frank reminded me of another of my most
interesting sports experiences--when I had a chance to hear
some words of wisdom from the late (truly great) coach
of the Dallas Cowboys, Tom Landry (see the feature article
But it sounds like I'm dropping names now, so I'll shut up
and get on with this week's newsletter, highlighted by:
*** We're off to see the Wizard... Shannan Hearne, also
known as "The Wizard" of
explains how she said the right "magic words" to a local
newspaper reporter near her home in North Carolina. The
result: a delectable brew of free publicity and enhanced
*** It’s commonly called "that sinking feeling." It
overtakes you when you suddenly realize you foolishly
volunteered to chair your favorite charity’s annual fund-
raiser: the one that is expected to bring in at least
$50,000. Joan Stewart, the "Publicity Hound" at
offers some tips that will help you relax--and succeed!
*** Folks who read this ezine do so because they're looking
for FREE publicity. But what if the boss has given you a
couple bucks to spend on internet advertising--and you have
NO clue how or where to spend it? Len Thurmond of
http://www.TheAffiliateReview.com has numerous tips to
help you figure it out.
*** 58 funny headlines they really didn't mean...and more...
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Often Overlooked Tips For Getting Free Publicity
Tip #1 If it worked for Wayne and Garth on Saturday Night
A lot of local cable companies offer a "community TV"
channel. In many places they're crying for local people to
offer informative program ideas.
At best, you can wind up with your own show, with you as
host and interviewer.
At worst, you can offer yourself as a guest to people who
already have these shows.
Either way, you'll be amazed how often you hear your local
customers and prospects starting to say, "Hey, I saw you on
TV the other night while I was channel surfing..."
It's also a great way to sharpen your skills for the day
when you land that coveted spot on Oprah or Larry King Live.
I'll be preparing a special report soon offering more
specifics on how to pull it off. Watch for future editions
of this ezine for more information.
Tip #2 Are you one of those folks who just "can't say no?"
For instance, your favorite local charity wants you to head
up the publicity campaign for your big annual fundraiser.
You accept because...well, that's just the way you are...but
now you feel like an 800-pound gorilla has super glued both
hairy feet to the back of your neck.
Joan Stewart, the "Publicity Hound" at
http://www.get-free-publicity.com/publicityhound.html offers
the following suggestions:
* Plan activities around the media: be sure that each event
has a hook or angle that will make it newsworthy.
* Invite celebrities to participate in some way.
* Seek a media sponsorship: you can often get support from
community-conscious radio and TV stations through their
Public/Community Service Departments.
* Compile every calendar listing you can find and learn the
deadlines for submitting items. That includes items for
public service announcements for TV and radio as well as for
the community access channel of your local cable TV station.
Make sure your local/state tourism and convention boards are
There are dozens of other things. To learn more about them,
Joan offers a number of free checklists.
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Guest Articles & Resources
I'm pleased that I'm able to offer a free chapter of Len
Thurmond's book, ""Success...What Is It And Where Can I Get
Some?" If you're new to the art of promoting online, this is
a great primer. But it's also good review material for
those with some experience. Send a blank email to
mailto:george2-28441@sendtheinfo.com and you'll receive a
copy via autoresponder.
How about a little comic relief? John Payne of
recently offered "58 Headlines They Didn't Mean."
Funny stuff. 10 of the 58 are below.
1. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
2. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
3. Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted
4. Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case
5. Survivor of Siamese Twins Joins Parents
6. Farmer Bill Dies in House
7. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
8. Is There a Ring of Debris around Uranus?
9. Stud Tires Out
10. Prostitutes Appeal to Pope
Others can be read at
Sponsor Message
Joel Christopher tripled his list of newsletter subscribers
from 10,292 to 30,903 in 99 days. He now has more than
90,000. Joel reveals how he did it -- and how you can too --
in "How To Be A Master ListBuilder,"
Life Lessons From Tom Landry and Frank Garon
by George McKenzie
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
It was some years ago, and I had been asked to emcee a
sports banquet at a local university in San Antonio.
I was excited because it gave me a chance to spend the
evening sitting next to NFL Legend Tom Landry, who was going
to be the keynote speaker.
When the time came for Coach Landry to make his speech, I
watched in amazement.
From my seat next to him at the podium, I could see his
palms sweating and his hands trembling slightly as he read
from notes he'd written on index cards. Several times
during his presentation, his voice cracked.
He was nervous.
Afterward, I got up a considerable amount of courage and
said to him, "Coach do you mind if I ask you a somewhat
personal question?"
He smiled and said that was all right.
I said, "Do you still get nervous when you give speeches
like this?"
He rolled his eyes and said, "Every time."
Keep in mind, Tom Landry not only played and coached in some
of the most pressure-packed games in pro football history,
but he piloted a bomber in World War II. THAT'S pressure.
Yet making a speech to 300 sports fans--people who
absolutely idolized him--made Tom Landry nervous.
I ventured another question.
"When you get that feeling, how do you cope?"
I'll never forget his answer.
"I tell myself the same thing I told my players before a
big game," he said.
"You walk through your fear with faith, and you
never let the fear of failure become the cause of failure."
And that, in a roundabout way, brings me to Frank Garon.
I've known Frank for about a year now, but I first got to
meet him in person just a few weeks ago when he was visiting
The story of how we became friends is too long to tell right
now, but I've learned a lot about him since we met through
his website at
Frank embodies the spirit Tom Landry was talking about.
About four years ago, Frank was a dead-broke truck driver
living in New Jersey. He had tried to become his own boss a
couple of times, and had failed at every endeavor. He was
literally bankrupt--maxed out on his credit cards and
completely out of savings.
There was one thing he hadn't depleted though.
His faith in himself. And courage.
He wasn't afraid to keep trying.
His determination and perseverance paid off. He's now an
extremely successful internet entrepreneur, and he's being
invited to speak at almost every big internet marketing
seminar and tell his "Cinderella" story.
But Frank says it's really not a fairy tale. He believes
anyone who really wants to do what he did CAN do it.
During a two-hour recorded interview I did with him
recently, he articulated his thinking in words that have
stuck with me ever since he said them.
"There are no big hidden secrets," he said. "Success for me
has simply been a matter of common sense with chrome trim."
In other words, there's nothing magical or mystical about
it. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes a lot
of hard work. It means learning from your mistakes and not
repeating them.
Most of all, it takes faith in yourself, and the courage to
risk failure.
Tom Landry would agree.
"Walk through your fear with faith," he would say. "And
never let the fear of failure become the cause of failure."
Or as Frank Garon would put it, "Believe in yourself, and
get to work.
Because the secret to success isn't really a secret.
It's just common sense with chrome trim.
To learn more about the techniques and strategies Frank used
to build his internet business, click on
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Take the Wizard's Word For It
Free Publicity Success Story
Contributed by Shannan Hearne
I am a firm believer that to write a press release JUST for
free publicity sake is a waste of my time and editors' time.
So I constantly look for ways that I can do things of value
for others that also helps to enlarge the territory so to
speak of SuccessPromotions.com. When I learned of the work
at home mom's networking group, Mommy Co, I knew I needed to
get involved.
Being a group leader in my area gave me something newsworthy
to generate a press release about. But I threw in just
enough interesting tidbits about myself and my business to
entice staff writer of The Clover Herald Tim Hicks to
contact me rather than just creating a blurb for the paper
based entirely on my press release.
What ensued was a total of four hours of telephone
interviews. And then the writer himself came out to do the
photo shoot. Which among other things, gave him a chance to
really see and feel what working from home with kids
underfoot is like. And I was very fortunate to have the
press release handled by someone at the paper who has a
passion for writing and a flare for getting all the juicey
details for his articles.
It was quite neat how the final article garnered interest in
both SuccessPromotions.com and MommyCo.com from readers of
the local paper.
This is the second local paper that has done an article
based upon press releases that I've written.
The key to getting a press release acknowledged by the local
paper is to focus on more than just what you do and why you
do it. But how these things relate to the world around you.
Remembering that the newspaper prints news for free and ads
for a charge and writing your press releases accordingly is
the most important part of turning your press releases into
free promotion in the form of articles.
Shannan Hearne
President and Wizard
Marketing Your e-Business Better
Independent Watkins Representative
Sponsor Message: Press Release Toolkit Makes It Easy
Only 5-10 percent of press releases get more than a glance
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2) They’re blatant attempts to promote a person or a
3) The subject isn't newsworthy.
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5) They’re too long -- journalists are too pressed-for-time
to read them
So I've created a paint-by-the-numbers system for anyone who
wants to eliminate bonehead mistakes like these. It's
called The Instant Press Release Toolkit. Go
Other Success Stories Needed
Tell us your success story and get a free one-hour audio
seminar (downloaded from our web site). Plus you could get
additional free publicity if we publish your story in this
Email your stories directly to me at
In doing so you grant permission for your story to be used
in an upcoming edition of this ezine or in a free ebook to
be offered to readers upon compilation.
You'll receive an email offering you a choice of audio
seminars within 24 hours after you send in your story.
Affiliate Program
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can be viewed at
November 7, 2002
Editor: George McKenzie
Copyright 2002 by George McKenzie
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Sense With Chrome Trim