Link Trade
If you have a
website, you probably know that link popularity is one of the most important criteria used for
ranking in search engines.
If you'd like
to place a link on our site in exchange for an Academy link on your site,
GREAT! I'd like to propose three possibilities. Choose whichever you like, but naturally, we'd
like to have equal billing on your site. You can email us at mailto:george@get-free-publicity.com
to let us know how you want your link done.
1...Dazzle em!
We'll put in a color
photo and 50-75 words about you, your company, or your site.
Naturally, this means you'll need to send us a photo or a logo.
Here |
Type 2: Just The Facts...
No picture, 30 words or so
with a link. Something catchy like "We'll show you how to get free
advertising and publicity that’s more believable, powerful,
productive—and best of all—more profitable than anything you can buy
at any price." http://www.get-free-publicity.com
To place our
link on your site, choose one of the following
Academy Of Free Advertising, Marketing, And Publicity An
internet community of media, advertising, and public relations
professionals helping individuals, businesses, charities and civic groups
get free publicity through creative marketing. Founder George
McKenzie and associates of the Academy teach you how to get free publicity
that's more believable, powerful, productive, and profitable than any
advertising you can buy at any price.
The Academy Of Free
Advertising, Marketing, And Publicity An
internet community of media, advertising, and public relations
professionals helping individuals, businesses, charities and civic groups
get free publicity through creative marketing. The associates of the
Academy teach you how to get free publicity that's more believable,
powerful, productive, and profitable than any advertising you can buy at
any price. http://www.get-free-publicity.com.
To move
forward, send a quick email to mailto:
letting me know how you'd like to proceed.
And check the
following pages to see who's already part of the program. More
link pages