An online community of media and marketing professionals helping people get
free advertising and publicity on the internet and through the mass media

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Veteran TV anchor and
radio talk show host
George McKenzie, President

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Ezine Back Issues

2001      2002


August 30th, 2001  (First Edition)


September 20, 2001

How to Provide Story Ideas To The Media, Part 1
How To Keep The Media From Mangling Your Story Or Missing Your Message
45 Places Your URL Should Be Seen Or Heard


October 4, 2001

How to Provide Story Ideas To The Media, Part 2


October 18, 2001

Dr. Laura, A Beat Up Old Volkswagen, And The History Of Spaghetti...OR

How To Get Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Traffic-Generating Free Publicity Just By Talking Out Loud.


November 1, 2001

Give Yourself A Holiday Gift: Free Publicity

How To Do Well By Doing Good: Generating Traffic And Profits Through Community Involvement


November 15, 2001

Holiday ideas for attracting media attention
How To Make Your Personality Famous With The Media

Featured Audio Clip: How To Create Your Very Own Official Holiday (audio clip)


November 29

The difference between advertising and publicity--and why it's important

Featured Audio Clip: Bart Baggett talks about using the resources of the internet to boost your credibility as an expert and generate thousands of dollars worth of free publicity in the mass media. From our radio show, 12-1-01


December 13

How writing one article for a local publication generated enough free publicity to put thousands of dollars into one speaker's pocket

Featured Audio Clip:  Former TV news reporter/exec Frank Guerra explains "The Kicker" and why it's a good place to shoot for exposure on TV.


December 27

Sell the story--not the store!  Tips for attracting media coverage.  Hint: talk about how wonderful you and your product are, and you'll fail.

Featured Audio Interview:  Kevin Donlin




January 10, 2002

What's the best day of the week to get TV news coverage?  You'll probably never guess.

Guest Article: How to get booked on Oprah, by Susan Harrow

Featured audio interview:  Janet Roberts of on how to start, build and profit from an electronic newsletter.


January 24, 2002

Quick Media Marketing Tip: Pitch The "New Kid on the Block"

Advanced Media Marketing Article:  "Smile. You're On Oprah" by Susan Harrow (Pt 2)

February 7, 2002

***Want to know how to shoot yourself in the foot with a very large gun? Follow the example of the PR person who called me this week trying to pitch a guest for my radio show.

***"This little piggy went to...the media market..." Piggybacking and other "inside stuff" you can use to let the media build traffic and credibility for you--free!

***Did you know you can create your own official holiday-- and then exploit it to get free publicity from the media?

***Most people waste 85 cents of every marketing dollar. There's a way to minimize your losses.

February 21, 2002

***Success Story:
"We have the perfect body for to you rent..."

***Talk the talk. If you want to get free publicity from the news media, learn the lingo of the newsroom. Here's a
primer that will help you get the news media's attention--and respect.

***You can't judge a book by it's cover, huh? Guess what. Lots of people do. That's why this new piece of software is
fast becoming a bestseller.




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