Experts The is an online community of media and marketing pros dedicated to helping you use all possible resources to get free publicity and advertising. Here are some of the people who make up our community of experts. Tom Antion made his reputation as a professional speaker on the subject of presentation skills. He sold tapes and books at the back of the room after his speeches. But when the internet came along, he realized that it offered a potential world-wide audience. Tom became an internet marketing master, learning much of what he knows from some of the people below. His website attracts more than one hundred thousand visitors a month. His newsletter list also recently topped six figures, and he’s now considered a “hot interview” among talk show hosts. His “Butt Camp” seminar (named “butt camp” because he teaches you to sit on your backside in front of your computer and make gobs of money) is fast becoming a “must-attend” event for anyone who wants to make a living online—but doesn’t know where to start. Much of what Tom teaches in his seminars can also be found in his 550 page ebook, “Click.” If you need to polish
your speaking skills, be sure to visit his
Speaker’s Shop or subscribe to his
twice-monthly newsletter at
Bart Baggett is an internationally recognized handwriting expert. But he will quickly tell you, the reason he’s internationally recognized is his ability to use the mass media and the internet to promote himself. Bart has appeared on dozens of network talk shows and literally hundreds of radio programs. He offers handwriting analysis products on his website, of course, but also shares his secrets for getting free publicity from the media, and for quickly producing information products that attract media attention and build immediate credibility as an “expert” and a “hot interview.” Click here for more information.
Susan reveals how the pros get their calls taken and their clients booked at the most prestigious shows. For free details and chapter excerpts, click here. To SUBSCRIBE to "Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul: 60 Second Secrets" and get more FREE publicity & marketing tips (a $197/year value!) go to: http://www.prsecrets.com.
She is also the "Ask the Expert" columnist on public relations for Entrepreneur magazine's web site at Entrepreneur.com, where she writes a monthly column. She offers the credibility, experience, and
practical insight of someone who has “been there and done that.” Marcia Yudkin http://www.get-free-publicity.com/yudkin.html From the launch of her writing career in the New York Times in 1981 to today's recognition as one of the world's top creative marketing experts, Marcia Yudkin has excelled at turning words and ideas into money. Her eleven books include Six Steps to Free Publicity and Persuading on Paper, from Plume/Penguin Books, Poor Richard's Web Site Marketing Makeover, from Top Floor Publishing, and Internet Marketing for Less than $500/Year from Maximum Press. Her articles have appeared in hundreds of magazines, including the New York Times Magazine, TWA Ambassador, USAir Magazine and Business 2.0. She has been featured in Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, Business96, Business99, Home Office Computing, Working Woman, dozens of newspapers throughout the world and four times in the Sunday Boston Globe. Her Marketing Minute segment aired for more than a year on WABU TV, she has delivered commentaries on WBUR in Boston and National Public Radio and her weekly Marketing Matters column is syndicated by Paradigm News. She has twice served as an official site reviewer for the Webby Awards and helped judge the 2001 Inc. Magazine Small Business Web Awards. Marcia Yudkin's clients include small to medium-sized businesses and professional firms from Internet entrepreneurs, software manufacturers and publishers to attorneys, physicians, financial planners, videographers and consultants. She holds three Ivy League degrees, including a Ph.D. in the humanities, and has taught writing at Boston University, Babson College, the New England School of Law and Holyoke Community College. Also Frank Guerra, longtime TV reporter, assignment editor and executive, now owner of a large media consulting and public relations firm. Pat Rodgers, respected talk show host and executive with over 35 years experience in news/talk radio.
Sonny Melendrez, one of the most creative and successful morning drive
radio personalities in the country.
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